Sri Ram Ashram



Make checks payable to Sri Rama Foundation. If you're donating in honor of someone, sponsoring a child or student or want to direct your donation to our operating costs, please restrict your gift as such in the memo of your check. Checks can by mailed to the address below.

Sri Rama Foundation 445 Summit Road, Watsonville, California 95076 USA
Sri Rama Foundation is a dual registered charity in the USA and India, under the Anath Shishu Palan Trust of India. We're able to accept donations in the form of stock, corporate matching, planned giving and EFT.

For more information email us or call (408) 842-8117
- Clothes for ages infant through 15 - T-shirts of all sizes - Sports clothes and accessories - Shoes – Dress, casual, sports - School supplies - Medical supplies (bandages, tape, over the counter medication, thermometers) - Diapers and plastic pants - Card and board games - Art supplies
- One year of college including room and food $2,000 (approximately)

- One year of grade school $200 – $450

- Formula for one child for one year $300

- New school bags for all children $150

- Educational Overnight Outing $150 - $500

- Bhoj or special feast $125 in honor of someone

Ongoing expenses include purchasing wholesale clothes and medical supplies/procedures.

To Donate in Rupees Click Here! (for those in India)


Note: This donation page should not be used to pay for room/board or merchandise.

Amounts are in US dollars.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time